Most Common Styles of Guitar Playing

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Who wouldn’t be amazed and inspired whenever you hear a good guitarist play? It would make you feel like wanting to play the guitar yourself. This is one reason there are a lot of people who want to take up guitar lessons.

It is really surprising how a guitar can make different kinds of great music. It is a very versatile musical instrument. And just like singing, it is one way of expressing one’s self.

There are different types of guitar and playing styles with different techniques. A brown guitar

Here are the most common styles of playing the guitar:

1. RHYTHM GUITAR – This is used to accompany a lead instrument like a song sang by a vocalist. The basic technique is to hold down a series of chords with the fretting hand while the other hand is strumming rhythmically. In some instances, the guitar accompaniment provides all the harmonic drive. The type of rhythm guitar depends on the kind of music. Like when playing a folk song, a steel string acoustic guitar would be used while playing Rock or metal, a solid body electric guitar would be the choice.

2. LEAD GUITAR – This is the featured guitar, which is usually accompanied by a rhythm guitar.It plays a single-note-based lines or double-stops. Most of the time, it employs legato, sweep picking, economy picking and alternate picking. Usually, it plays only one or two notes at a time. Lead guitarists would normally use a pick, but some would prefer to use the fingers to produce the notes.

A black guitar3. FINGERPICKING – This is often used to accompany a lead instrument or vocalist. The left-hand holds a chord shape while the other hand fingers pick notes with the use of the fingernails. Both hands are coordinated to play melodies, bass lines and chords in advanced fingerpicking.

Learning the guitar playing styles can be tough. Some can be easy, and some can be difficult. But as what they always say, practice makes it perfect. If you are a beginner who wants to learn how to play the guitar or if you are a guitarist already but still wants to enhance or improve your skills, you can always take up guitar lessons. There are many sites that provided online video guitar lessons that are really helpful in your endeavor.

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